If you’re new to online marketing, you need help. I know I did. (Still do, actually.)

It’s important when you’re starting out to learn from the experience of those that have been in the business for awhile. That way, you can try everything, and see what works for you.

So with that in mind, here is a list of 5 online marketing influencers to give you a helping hand.

5 online marketing influencers you should follow right now


1. Rebekah Radice

Rebekah is a digital marketing specialist and social media expert. I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned about social media strategy from reading her blog, which she updates once a week. From general social media tactics to specific tips on Facebook, Instagram, etc., you won’t be disappointed by her wealth of knowledge.

[caption id=”attachment_5090” align=”aligncenter” width=”300”]5 online marketing influencers you should follow right now image via Pinterest[/caption]

Sample Rebekah post: A Visual Guide to Social Media Etiquette


2. Neil Patel

I will admit, when I first started looking for online marketing influencers, I was put off by Neil’s “I’m kind of a big deal” tagline (truth: still am). But although the guy’s writing style is cocky, he puts out frequent, consistently good advice that’s worth checking out. If you want to increase the effectiveness of your online marketing, Neil’s your guy.

Sample Neil post: 1o Ways to Make Your “Most Popular” Posts More Popular


[caption id=”attachment_5081” align=”aligncenter” width=”236”]5 online marketing influencers you should follow right now image via Pinterest[/caption]


3. Hubspot

Hubspot is an inbound marketing company that is really, really good at creating free, downloadable marketing tools. Seriously. Subscribe to its email, and you will get stuff sent to your inbox all the time. Plus, they publish really helpful blog posts on everything from marketing to web design (and in Spanish!). Subscribe to their email and you won’t be sorry.

Sample Hubspot post: 15 Email Newsletter Examples We Love Getting in Our Inboxes


4. Kim Garst

Dip your toe into online marketing and immediately you'll see the name "Kim Garst" everywhere — with good reason. She's a social media powerhouse. Learn everything you need to know about social selling from reading her blog and downloading her free ebooks.

Sample Kim post: How to Get 1000 Blog Subscribers in 30 Days


[caption id=”attachment_5078” align=”aligncenter” width=”300”]5 online marketing influencers you should follow right now image via Gary Hyman[/caption]


5. Ann Handley

Ann Handley is Chief Content Officer for Marketing Profs. You want to know how to write content that sells? Check out Ann’s blog. Simple as that.

Sample Ann post: 8 Writing Tools I Use Every Day


[caption id=”attachment_5087” align=”aligncenter” width=”300”]5 online marketing influencers you should follow right now image via Invoca[/caption]





To become a better marketer, you have to learn from the masters. Start following these five influencers as you navigate the world of online marketing, and soon you’ll be on your way.