At Buildicus, we’re super interested in small business success stories like this one, because we’re a small business, too.


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Leo Rios is founder of Café Corazón in the Tower District of Fresno, California. Leo sells coffee. Amazing coffee.

Last year, Café Corazón began a subscription service through which you could have coffee beans delivered to your door.

The following video was created to highlight the subscription service, and in it you can really see Leo’s dedication to serving the freshest and best coffee.

It’s a video worth watching, whether you’re interested in starting your own business and in need of inspiration, or if you’re simply sick of buying coffee from an assembly-line shop that can’t be bothered to spell your name right on the cup.

Check it out.



Great, right?

True story: For a time, I lived across the street from Leo and his wife Liz, who also runs Café Corazón. Moments after their youngest daughter was born, Leo excitedly shouted her weight and height to me from across the street.

That’s the beauty of small business. You know who’s behind the products you buy, and you know you’re benefitting by how much hard work they put into doing the thing they love.


I’d love to highlight more small businesses on this blog. If you know of a business with a dedicated owner like Leo and Café Corazón, leave me a comment and let me know.